Hi Guys,

I need 200k 3rd for this deal (NO 1.49 please) Merchant won't go! IOU won;t move forward due to high balance.
Credit: 720, Industry: Security Guard
He has 2 account under same business. He has 2 advances:
Quaterspot: 143K as of today (funded on Feb)
Milligan: $343K (funded on Jan)

Account 1: No advances on this acc.
Feb: dep 741K, 8 deposits ending 109K, Daily: over 30-40K everyday
Jan: dep 993K 13 deposits ending 59K avg: 30K everyday
Dec: dep 708K 7 deposits ending balance: 47K daily balance: avg 50k+

Acc: 2 (has 2 advances on them)
Dec: 6 deposits 58k ending 27k, no negative
Jan: 9 deposits 360K, ending 25K no negative few days less than 1K daily balance.
Feb: 4 deposits 183K ending balance 87K no negative