Does your business currently spend marketing dollars on PPC, print ads, directories, etc.?

**Get 1,000 prospective clients eyes on your unique ad for under $7.50**
Extend your reach to you target audience, where they spend their time - Online - Utilizing Display Advertising

Reach prospects where they spend their time - The average American spends 4 hours online each day
Make other online marketing solutions more effective - Display ads boost branded search by 38%
Reach your target audience on trusted national sites - Only your specific locations and demographics
Target campaigns by demographics, interests and intent - Local or national clients looking for your services
No long term commitments - Small campaigns runs available
Full reporting and disclosure - Receive ongoing analytics on campaign performance

Online Display Advertising:
• Costs less per click than search pay per click (PPC)
• Is ranked more important than mobile and SEO
• Has 99% of Google's top clients running campaigns
• Has 74.2% of people prefering to see online ads for local businesses
• Has 35% of people who see a display ad later searching for the business
• Lifts sales 119% from visitors exposed to it and search

Our platform utilizes networks with access to millions of websites (including the ComScore Top 500), enabling us to strategically geo-target, local or national, prospective clients across the Web.
Sites include CNN, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, MSN, WebMD, ESPN.

Let us know ASAP if you are interested..