Quote Originally Posted by omegafund View Post
Contact me on a deal with you guys. My rep tried with your Uw

Hi Ben - I'll give you a ring tomorrow.

In the meantime, I did catch up with my team on the specific deal in question. It would be inappropriate for me to share real specifics on a forum like this, but from what I can see:

a) Your client got an approval, but not as large as you'd like. Your rationale to question the line size seems reasonable to me.

b) Underwriting requested a stip to try to bump the offer up for you. In my estimation, their rationale to ask for the stip is also reasonable.

c) You provided the stip back and it's in the Risk queue to be reviewed

I'm confident that we'll get to the right answer here. Either way, I'm looking forward to the chat tomorrow!

Matt Estes