Quote Originally Posted by matt.estes View Post
Quick comparison (note - I'm obviously biased because I work at BlueVine):

- Max LOC size: Headway = $100k and BlueVine = $250k
- Frequency of repayment: Both Headway and BlueVine do weekly and monthly
- Max term length: Headway = 18 months and BlueVine = 12 months
- Speed: BlueVine faster than Headway
- Approval rate: BlueVine > Headway
- Pricing: Don't have great data here, but fair to assume roughly equivalent for apples-to-apples customers

Candidly, I don't often find us competing against Headway. More often, we're competing against a Kabbage offer that an ISO's client may have gotten a direct offer for (i.e. client applied directly on Kabbage web site) or against a term loan / MCA type product.

Matt Estes
I don't know about that approval rate....