Quote Originally Posted by FunYouMan View Post
A friend of mine recently defaulted on a 3 cash advance company. He claims he was mislead from the beginning and that they completely lied to him. He is now suing these 3 MCA's.

The DA caught wind of his situation and is asking my friend for help in bringing these guys down.

I am not allowed to name names, but from what I understand a lot of the big guys are in trouble. Arrests will be made.

He mentioned the good guys have nothing to worry and the point of the arrests and judgments will result as a complete cleansing of the industry.

Obviously, you dont have to believe me bec im a noob on this site, however, if I hear anything else, I will post more.
I see this happen all time...Merchant gets an offer for 10k but wants 30k but can't handle payments for 30k so the merchant thinks they're smarter then the system and takes 3 10k deals from different funders and gets triple funded. Then realizes after a week or two of payments that the daily's are too much and can't handle and blocks payments and then blames the lenders.Their is no case here the merchant committed fraud and he or she should stop pretending to play the victim card no one threatened or forced the merchant to sign docs they should pay up what they owe and stop making excuses for their poor decisions.