Quote Originally Posted by capaxess View Post
Well, thanks for thinking highly enough of me to assume there is anything complex going on. lol!

It's really a simple function and the goal is lead capture more than anything.

Of course everything has to be vetted but I was hoping this would bring prospects closer more quickly. The idea is to have achieve engagement armed with some info beforehand.

Many thank BTW for helping me test this out!
Remember, if your goal is lead generation, every additional step you add, every additional data element you ask for, the less likely you are to convert the visitor. You need to be a capturing information with every single step along the way. Give a little, get a little, that's the funnel value proposition. Like West Coast said, break it up into steps, and capture everything so that even if you lose them, you have lead data you can follow up with. Email should be the very first thing you ask for.