Quote Originally Posted by AMERICApital1 View Post
Can anybody help me out and float me some old UCC lead lists or point me in the right direction? I am launching a dialer campaign and my current list only has 6,000 merchants. Thanks in advance,
I have a great lead connect If you want to work a campaign inbound. The only thing is the leads are tracked and before submission to Funders the application package has to be "okay" and we review the funders you would submit to in order to omit any bad reviews etc. We only work these leads with funding companies that know our brand and agents to ensure they are direct to merchant and advising them correctly rather than throwing **** to the wall and hoping it sticks.

UCC are a dime a dozen and I can shoot you over some- but you have to realize there is an EXTENSIVE list of DND and biz owners WAITING for you to dial. These older UCC lists are NOT scrubbed and if you are not careful, you will be SOL.