Quote Originally Posted by DTFdowntofund View Post
au contraire mon frère. I used to do a ton of biz with him, and he was lovingly listed in my personal cell under 'ankle bracelet'. We made a lot of money together, and with that being said.. the way I operate? I dislike when people take advantage of others, plain and simple. He has bad (rly rly rly bad) business practice, and hence, my current opinion of him. That is neither here or there, but trust me when I tell you that I couldn't give a **** less about him, or any of the other d-bags in the industry that are putting targets on our back and ruining the longevity for success for the rest of us.

& w/ that being said, lol. You seem awfully more on Team Braun than anyone here. I just call a spade a spade kid. Unless, John.. is that you??
I am not on any team but my own. I also dont spew BS and i wouldn't answer a name of a funder being someone else if i was wrong like you.

Pretty clear who ADDY is from here https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nys...PPBJdYtNq2sA==