Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
You people act like the 1st Position is an A Paper Lender.

You people have no idea what your talking about.

Brokertime, a search of your posts reveal all you do is troll and talk ****, literally on every post you make.

Also, you can doubt all you want. The 1st Position knew I was going to stack them, and know i stacked them, because they were maxed out on their offer due to no cash advance history and the way the banks were. This is a high risk deal all the way. I could of funded YS first then stacked with the 1st instead of vice versa. It wouldnt of mattered.

But again, Mr I have 13 Posts, what you could teach me about this industry couldnt fit on a match head.

I sound like a ***** for what? Talking **** when people assume i violate my ISO Agreement by jumping to conclusions?

Here is the bottom line, and I wont comment any more on this thread.

I share my personal experience. I know what happened. This isnt a wild accusation. Its a fact.

I shared it with the community, and made sure to mention it wasnt my view of yellowstone as a whole, just a bad rep.

Thanks and have a wonderful life, you sound like a *****.
your that upset you had to go through my posts get over

you one client a month that you fund

go play in traffic and stop *****ing