Quote Originally Posted by pcfunder View Post
Oh my gosh. How dumb do you think people are? So you made your business name citi capital and you expect people to believe that you guys creatively thought of this name on your own? Who in the world spells city with an i at the end besides the giant banking conglomerate that owns half of America? Yet the great guys over at Mr. Advance/Citi capital were sitting together in their conference room sipping starbucks and using a white board to brainstorm some unique names and they came up with citi cap!
We are native to NY. This is our city! Born and raised here, thats why we called ourselves CITI Capital- nothing to do with CITI group k tough guy?
Regardless now we are MR Advance- MR Advance has no white label and no deals broker out- We give brokers like you whitelabels
We fund deals no one wants to fund whether it is a 2nd-6th position or reverse consolidation. Thats why we're in business, thats why my ISO'S keep coming back because of our service and funding platform. We are as high risk as is gets so am I doing something wrong by funding deals for people that they can't have funded anywhere else? I ASSUME NOT! MCA needs Mr Advance and here we are