Honestly guys - I get so sick and tired of having 5 people from the same Company hit me up in the same day- not communicating with each other and not having a good business relationship management department. If I even sign up with "one person" in a company - the other guys in there have no respect for anyone - that's a different type of shark. Ya'll are hired to chase after agents and ISOs to send you deals by the masses claiming a title of "business development" while Yeah - almost everyone in "Sales" "job" is to: Develop Business. If your'e doing B2B and reaching out and everyone in your Company isn't on the same page and your'e trying to just hustle/sell me into sending deals to you - than you aren't being trained correctly and your company is just another blood sucker. It obviously shows when you start off copying another company for the sake of SEO probably. This is my opinion and feeling about it as it doesn't matter if you claim to have a magical program- your outside business relations say all.

And BTW - I do work with Fundrite- I have gotten offers and closed with them deals and a reverse. It's all about how you work your deals and who you work with/your relationship. That is all.