Quote Originally Posted by pcfunder View Post
That's a fair honest good point newunderwriter and its true but I don't think trading of the stock market dictates recessions. I think that recessions just have a large impact on how the stocks trade. Like lets say America decided to spend trillions of dollars on a fictional war on terror that can never be won because you can't beat "terror" and instead bled us dry of resources and pride in ourselves which caused us to collapse 10 years ago only to have our government decide to put a band-aid on the collapse hoping a miracle will happen before the band-aid falls off. That's not really reflective of what traders or investors are thinking but instead the traders and investors will just be impacted from the results.
Wasn't talking about the stock market, although my point is also true for that. If business owners thinks that business will slow down, they will not hire more staff, invest less and look to cut costs. If enough people do that, group psychology cause a recession.