Just guide your merchants properly, that's it. The only thing that's going down are the bad apples.. Good riddance. Us hardworking ones actually care about our merchants and can win by earning their respect and residuals because of. The ones that will feel it (just like any other industry), are the ones that have reason to blame. When the snow melts...

If you're on this forum saying it's going down, it's one of two reasons-
A. You're a rookie. Not just in this industry, but in any.
B. You're one of those apples

We provide a need for legitimate businesses who can not get a loan for their acquisition, or a bridge for their 30-60 day receivables to come in, or their material for a sudden project that will turn around profits worth paying for.

We offer a product that nobody else would risk, nor offer as fast; And when needed we're there.

Find the product that's right and that's needed for your clients, and you'll have your're recurring success stories.

P.s. you'll make a better living