Quote Originally Posted by gaxisa View Post
This is pretty spot on. But of course there's some deviation from the norm. When I was an ISO rep at a direct lender, once I had been there for about a year and built a book of about 25 ISO's and started getting a heavy submission flow, the company I was at actually bumped up my override. Wasn't enough to keep me there and I went into the broker world though.
All Financial Services work this way. From stocks and bonds to loans to insurance to mca


I gave an analogy a long time ago...morie the wig guy...Goodfellas

He had no shot of getting paid

30 years later i am still going. If you are valuable to your funders...make them money $$ you have a 50% chance of survival( defaults come into play), Some will cut your throat no matter what

..find the scorpion and the frog analogies I gave before

This is also why super isos exist