A-Paper? What industry?

Maybe you can send it to a CA-registered broker to get it to the higher-tiered places. No sense losing the deal if you can co-broker for a fee. LoanMe may be a good fit, for example. Explain it works like a 12-month I/O term loan with a balloon.

If you're signed up with Bluevine and the FICO is good enough, you can get them to apply through your link and explain why a LOC is better than a term loan. Here are some high-lights:

Unfortunately, I've lost deals (to Swift/PayPal most recently) despite a LOC being a better working-capital solution than an MCA or a term loan, since Bluevine just doesn't offer as much cash-up-front. (Yes, in 6 months, after drawing monthly, they'll have had drawn more money than $70k, but try explaining that to some merchants.)

Maybe your merchant is smarter?