Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
West your stye is to toss out a question like that baiting someone...then you will be able to post your opinions without coming face forward ( look like you are responding to the question you led someone into)

I pass..no Von Mises

I just wonder after a good debate do you light up a cigarette or a joint


The psychology of sales ...mastering the mental mind fck, coming out soon by karen37a

lessons on how to flip the script over the phone and close the sale

3 Keywords to cut to the close before they hang up

HOw to make the merchant like you and want to stay on the phone with you in 30 seconds flat

How to let the merchant think it was their idea, while you led them to it... and more! stay tuned


West coast enough already...bring in some other fool for people to follow, that was the most embarassing display I have ever witnessed in my entire life

Leadership and sales training...if the leader only is a 7 or 5 in leadership( let alone a 1 or a 2)...on a scale of one to 10, they cant get 9's to follow them unless they pay them.( this is why 1099 white labels have to stop trying to get larger 1099 brokers to send them deals and market directly to the merchants) You also Cap the growth of the sales force.( its like you have a small pot boiling that overflows at a certin point) People need to learn how to drop their egos and let leaders emerge from the pack and not see them as a hostile threat. So much competition from outside forces no one person, especially me, could ever dent the gross revenue of the financial industry and loans or factoring

Websites serve a few purposes. one is to direct the sales to a Funder, the other is to direct the sales to a salesperson. Both are correct.I choose to direct sales to salespeople .And teach brokers to direct the sales to themselves...the problem is they think ,( some )* that they can create and iso and everything is cooley wow..and it isnt.

Disclosures and APR have nothing to do with fixing any of this. Its a way to try to use Regulation to block competition and stop stacking And this isnt the first time this was attempted. We had Federal Charters once upoin a time...they took them all back under the Doody Frank act. This isnt a new invention.

Cut to the chase ...the state wants to" wet their beak a little" then it might go thru

And I can promise you one thing...when I was in my 20's or early thirties id be dammed if I was fighting with a 50 year old lady and letting her whoop me in sales ...but if she did.... I would have shook her hand not try to swipe her feet out from under her like the Tanya Harding of Financial Services

here is a 60 year old lady that can out dance most of you as well ( dont bet me on dancing either..I did smooth criminal michael jackson on a bet in that old place i worked in...the choice of song meant something too..lol)


Please go into detail.