"1650 dials (approximately 17 days) and added 57 new prospects to my pipeline. This equates to 97 dials per day over 17 days." Zero applications and statements = no ROI yet. You also have to add in time=money. How long did 97 dials per day take you on average?

"I have generated roughly 25 actual submissions from cold calling exclusively since May; only 3 closed with 5 deals funded (small ones)." How did 3 deals close but you funded 5 deals? May-Current would= 4 submissions per mo on avg.

on those larger files where they were killed at the end, did you try other companies as well or let it go once it got killed? I can tell you many many times when a deal is killed, we have been able to secure funds elsewhere with the same file. Maybe add some funder's if your seeing a contract in/decline trend.