Quote Originally Posted by DonMcGrath View Post
She’s off, but actually she’ll be right back.

What she’s saying is you need to do a much better job on the first call, because your chances of being remembered ever again drop drastically when you get off that phone call. Too many people know Uccs are a great source for deals, and when the 10 people call after you, you’ll be vapor...and not the flavored kind.

Following up is great of course, but until you develop a working strategy or technique, using the tools you mentioned pits you against people who know what they’re doing and do it on a large scale with lots of resources behind them.

Basically, keep practicing and learning. Also keep in mind that your speed of learning and the level of knowledge you receive is usually proportionate to the value you bring to the person teaching you. Basically, paid advice is usually better than free advice, so if you can help someone make money, you’ll be better off faster.

higher level of learning

if you are really really good on the first phone call they do not talk to anyone else again( they give you a shot to do your stuff)...and if you do not nail it on the 1st call nail them down on the second