Quote Originally Posted by RichardGerard View Post
Fundyman: we discussed this after the fact, when you asked me about them- not sure why you sent something to them in the first place.

We ended up seeing some of the files Brokers sent to them- and placed some..

There are a lot of folks who have been on this blog awhile- that are trustworthy. The acquisition cost for each client is something that can't be taken for granted. Wondering if you're going to get paid by someone around here shouldn't be a consideration.

RG 516 510 3855

That’s the funniest part: these guys would get a file, then spam every broker they could looking for help placing the deals. I know firsthand they just spammed random brokers seeking help with deals. There is no “platform”.

Lenderzhub is a 2 man brokering operation who can’t generate files on their own, so they pretend to be some sort of platform, and hope dumbasses don’t know any better and send them deals. They aren’t seasoned brokers, either. They are brand new brokers. Why would any broker use them to co-broker a deal? For what?

But worse, they are liars. They lied by claiming to be direct lenders. They aren’t. These losers were asked to produce a lenders license and they tried to pass off a real estate license (of another company that actually had their real estate license revoked) as their own lenders license. I mean, come on now.

Then, I just loved how that dork Juan was on here citing his amazing finance background. Both he and his roommate Juan were talking up Juan’s amazing background in finance — only to see he Chapter 11’d. SMH Juan......

**** these guys.