Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
never hide behind the cost of money. it will only lead to problems. Even saying 1.45 or 1.25 doesn't mean anything to a merchant in terms of knowing what the cost is. the factor rate doesn't compute with merchants. From where they are sitting, this is very expensive money and they want to know specifics including all the addtl fees that go into the mca. Also, broker's should be prepared for heavy heavy arsenal of direct sales undercutting their upsells. it's been happening and will continue to happen, especially in states where it's getting touchy. you markup 15 points, you are toast if a direct sales rep gets a hold of that merchant. If you follow some of the larger players, some are starting to spread around the #5 as a commission for lower rate programs. Will we get to a point for A paper where 5 is the new 12?
Great post.