Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
And no one needs to keep talking about lowering rates below par value OR protecting them( from brokers constantly)...50% of them are liars and frauds

This isnt happy la la land....its money...people will do a lot for 100k including kill their family for a insurance policy

Do we have bad brokers...yes...bad merchants yes...bad funders yes bad politicians yes bad bankers yes

This is just the reality of wall st and finance..I wish it wasnt

Regulation is a bad bad move...people will see why
this has nothing to do with regulation.. Yes there are bad merchants, this isn't news to anyone here. I just am trying to see what that has to do with regulation.. They pass laws because this industry has gone unchecked for years and has done nothing to regulate itself, so now states are stepping in to do the job. We are not some small thing anymore, the industry is now lending billions of dollars a year,. With numbers like that people are going to start paying attention.

That said what that has to do with a bad merchant who according to your post is killing his family for 100k alludes me. Also 50% of all merchant are not liars and frauds unless you are working on the lowest quality **** deals on the planet. Some merchant are bad always have been always will be but nowhere near what you are making them out to be