Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Ron and Daniel are great guys, don't know if it's a white label or syndication, or if they're using SFS's platform.
At the end of the day, they showed up on a bank statement of a potential client of mine, and when I did the calculation of the daily backwards and rate, I realized that it was a 12-month term to get at the rate, I signed up.

Quarterspot and IOU may go out that far on 2nd positions as well if the credit score really is there.
I second this. After 4 years in the industry and trying a lot of new funders, you realize there's only a few funders and people that you can truly trust. Vital definitely fits into that category for me. I find that Vital will look at each individual deal a bit more subjectively than other funders and if they like the deal, will put out really strong 2nd position offers. I've seen 6 to 12 month 2nd positions from them with very reasonable stip lists. Never had an issue with a deal getting back doored and always paid on renewals.

Allen/Upperline Capital