Quote Originally Posted by Lendvo View Post
Personally I think it is fine for a couple reasons:

1) We don't care about the headline score, we care about the actual report items themselves. IMO 35% of the time score is not representative of credit quality anyways. If your living and dying on the score your lazy and/or under-educated on the merchants in this space.

2) From my experience these services just help clear up minor collections issues and open up small secured and unsecured credit cards and credit lines. The same basic thing you'd find by googling how to boost your score.

3) If a merchant is actually taking the time, and even spending money, to increase their credit score it shows they care about their credit score and credit-worthiness. This is almost always a good thing to have in a merchant not a bad thing.
1) Just because I start a thread about credit doesn't mean I'm living and dying on it. But in some cases it can make the difference needed to get the deal closed. And I choose to have as many arrows in my quiver as possible.
2) If that's your experience then frankly, you lack experience. There is more that can be done, for instance... adding seasoned trade lines can make an immediate significant difference.
3) Good point.