Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
This is a huge (sized) filing so, I'm just going to cut through the excess fat here and give you the highlights...

Long story short - Itria Ventures claims to have true first position rights to all receivables and applicable collateral, so although stackers may have acted first in attempting to collect on a defaulted merchant - Itria says "NUH - UH! Our Money!" Chase even told Itria "No" over a deposit account that a stacker got first, so Itria said Oh Yeah? Well then, F.U.! We'll just sue everyone!!!!!!!!!

Looks like they even claim to have right to receive over everyone, even the merchant's NextGear floor plan.

Reminds me of the SBTL v. Pearl (Or SBFS? Idk) in Maryland - but I think that one ended with a settlement (chime in if you know?)

SO - It'll be very interesting to see how this one turns out, especially if it sets precedent for future RTR claims between funders/creditors in this space & and in New York.

What a waist of money, people need to stop suing MCA companies, you won't win, they'll drag you through the courts, drain your cash and in the end settle for pennies.
Good luck suing Chase, Yellowstone, GTR, etc etc.