Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
I stayed during the hurrican last year...i think you did too ...it was an adventue and we had no damage no flooding , my lights never went out( half the peoples did though...i was making ice for people for a week)...it was scary though

on my credit is says "danger flood zone" sometimes... i have to call them up and say"take that down I am not in puerto rico" ...some still have it up

D and B or experien business . i dont recall at this point
I did too. Emptied my place for nothing as I didn't lose electric or anything. Houses did and the local businesses that prepped and spect the $ on supplies were good and opened next day thanks to FPL. By the way- There are thousands on the way up there as we speak as first liners so those businesses in certain locations will get an influx of business.

I think applications for UW for the locations should be accepted and approved by the need for capital and how their business will be conducted before, during, and after the storm. Not just put a blanked on that many states.

I wonder what the influx of submissions are in the areas that will be affected by something like that...