Quote Originally Posted by securedloans4u View Post
I would like to be your #1 resource for all of your hard to fund deals that own property. Our specialty is loans secured by property with monthly payments funded in 7-10 business days with no appraisals needed.

Here are some details on the secured programs:
• Can have 5+ existing MCA Loans
• We can accept clients with NSF’s or negative days – can have 20+ per month
• We have very few industry restrictions
• Low credit score’s ok
• MCA Lender defaults – Ok with us!
• Startup Companies are Accepted as well

4 Unique points worth mentioning:
1. We can do a non-profit as long as there is a principal that will be a personal guarantor
2. We can offer up to 100% LTV for select clients that qualify
3. We can offer a 30 yr term for select clients that qualify

Recent Fundings:
- 500k using their commercial and residential property, no appraisal, funded in 5 days – now this client is able to open his second sushi restaurant
- 400k using their property, no appraisal, funded in 7 days – now this client is able to start her new business
- 750k using their commercial property to pay off existing tax liens and clean up the business - This is for a Non Profit Organization

Expected terms:
- Monthly payment
- 2 yrs IO, 5 yrs P&I, 10-30 yrs P&I
- Risk factors will determine terms and pricing
- Lower rates compared to MCA products
- Typically larger approvals
- Some programs are interest only and some are principal and interest
- Some programs can be a 2nd position loan and others have to be in 1st position
- Most programs do not require strong monthly income for the business and can also be used for start ups and acquisitions
- Some programs don’t require appraisals

Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience with any questions

Thank you,

Ben Corey
Funding Manager
In 2018 I funded over 20 Loans with over 3 mm worth of funding which helped a lot of businesses with their funding needs. I look forward to a huge 2019.

If you have any deals you need help with then let me know