Quote Originally Posted by JSL23 View Post
LOL, great analogy! Very true. I agree with those that say it would be great for the Merchants and us, the ISOs/Salespeople/Lenders if there were more shops willing to consolidate multiple positions. An up and coming firm can make a name for themselves on that alone.

I'm not an Underwriter or a master at Risk Assessment so I can't honestly say how risky it would be, but wouldn't the financial gain and carving out a much needed niche make it worth it?
That would be the worst business model for a funder to do. Check with all the funders that have paid off merchant's with 3+ open advances. Two months later the merchant go back and stacks again. Now the consolidated funder has a huge balance outstanding with multiple payments coming out again. As soon as funders get paid off that do 3+ advances....their sales teams is calling the merchant pushing more money on them.

Paying off 2 open advances can work but paying off 3+ open advances never works.