YAAAWWWNNN.......aren't a large percentage of your deals stacks? You work at YS, don't you? Let's be honest here, you guys aren't the first (or 8th) Lender that one sends their A paper to, now are you?

Going back to what initially said about Funders consolidating more deals, it was just a thought, and I prefaced it by saying I don't know if it would be worth the risk. It is something that is worth exploring. Are the leaders of this industry not innovative or savvy enough to come up with some feasible solutions that could potentially make that type of arraignment work? If someone could successfully do it(and I am not talking about Merchants with 4 or 5 advances at once) they would do quite well(potentially). Whatever, it was just an idea. I don't see you coming up with anything that could decrease multi stacked deals. Instead, we get the same exact conversation, same arguments, same talking points and the same annoying comparisons to JP Morgan and BOA.