Quote Originally Posted by Happy Horse **** View Post
What amazes me more is that with that many different people investing money, not one Tax CPA ever questioned any of these folks about "the investment". The fastest way for any financial professional to weed out a frauds is find out who the accounting firm is for the company--in a fraud it is always some piker that has no office and the scam company is his only client, also check to see who the listed auditor is and then call them and ask if they are actually contracted to that company to perform an audit, again if the auditor is like the accounting firm--no one has ever heard of them---you don't need to go no further --run in the opposite direction and call your state financial services office and tell them-- and maybe they can save some suckers that did no due diligence.
correct me if i am wrong but it did not seem like any one person gave to much money . seems they were smart to have 5000 people as opposed to 500 that would have looked in deeper