Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
And I know some solutions. I will never print them on here.( so everyone can say it was their idea and make more competition for me)

Hannibal over there told me to let everyone kill themselves

Last time I told someone to create this calculator not only did they not say thank you they were bragging to me about it until I said " do you recall I gave you the idea" and they said " you cant prove it"i said ...i still have the emails alonmg with the regulation threats. As if i wanted something for some stupid idea

I really have no idea what any of what you just said has to do with this thread or what we are talking about. You keep saying the same things over and over but refuse to acknowledge that like it or not regulation in one form or another is coming. It already is almost passed in California and if you think thats the end of it then you are blind