Industry: Construction/Management.

Business Start Date: 4/2017.

Location: CT.

Seeking $40,000.

Use of Funds: Renovations.

Average Monthly Deposits: $13,000 (3 months).

Average Daily Balance: $85,000 (3 months).

Average Ending Balance: $90,000 (3 months).

Owner’s Credit Score: 700

Current Debt:

1. Kabbage $25,000
2. PayPal $15,000 ($545 weekly payment).
3. Bank loan $9,000 ($238 monthly payment).

Collateral: $2,000,000 in equity from 5 properties.

The company purchases properties and renovates them for the purpose of renting them. The company manages the rental properties as well.

The company has not filed taxes for 2017.

In addition to the $40,000, I would like to consolidate the balances from Kabbage and PayPal.

How do I get this accomplished by leveraging their collateral?

Thank you in advance.

Michael Sla*****er