Quote Originally Posted by Access2Capital View Post
I've kind of come across this issue and I can totally see how it can happen. We had an offer out, ISO called in and asked us to change the e-mail address on record and send him docusign. Docs come back and the merchant admantly says that he did not sign the contracts and that e-mail is not his. I mean, anyone can catch this with a simple merchant interview. But if funders / brokers want to be shady, they could easily create an e-mail address for the merchant, complete the docusign for the merchant and fund a deal without a merchant interview.

Gotta love this industry.
It's a Wild Wild West lol. It's these sorts of things that basic and common sense regulation could help ward off. In addition, agents caught doing this right now can be prosecuted heavily. But of course when a large chunk of the industry refuses to do upfront background/character checks on the people they are recruiting.....crooks, criminals, thugs, liars, and cheaters easily slide in the door and the people that are harmed the most are the merchants we are supposed to be setup to serve.