Quote Originally Posted by Access2Capital View Post
I've kind of come across this issue and I can totally see how it can happen. We had an offer out, ISO called in and asked us to change the e-mail address on record and send him docusign. Docs come back and the merchant admantly says that he did not sign the contracts and that e-mail is not his. I mean, anyone can catch this with a simple merchant interview. But if funders / brokers want to be shady, they could easily create an e-mail address for the merchant, complete the docusign for the merchant and fund a deal without a merchant interview.

Gotta love this industry.

thats why i do not use it...paper contract in my hand...back it goes

on the few companies that I trust...a few made me use it( i trust them 100% now)..i double chcked the emails so my brokers /iso cant pull a shifty move on me...one tried...that was a fun day at the office