Quote Originally Posted by RickyR3712 View Post
I do not know ricky dennis and that is why that part was not quoted. I will go through each one and we can discuss it out.
making sure merchants aren't being stacked to 40% of their gross in payments- How do you decide those guidelines, Facts if those numbers put everyone out of business than pearl and yellowstone will not be the power houses they are now .Banks will give a guy 100 times his "gross monthly". Merchants know what they can handle and what they can not . I have a nail salon that has been paying over 40% for years now.(his real gross with cash is way higher)
making sure brokers get paid- To every rule there is loopholes that the same funders who do not pay will figure out a legal way not to pay.
merchant having a fair pricing standard- All this will cause is getting rid of alternative lending where all the thousands of merchants i have helped would just close up . Do you think yellowstone can keep there doors open if they have to do 15% . do you think on deck or rapid will be in business if they needed to compete with the banks at 3%
John you are to straight forward thinking thinking if there will be rules they will weed out the ****. Those guys will put there wife , mother,friend,neighbor.
Someone came to my office door offering me $500 a month to use my address for amazon and that i might get a return here or there. To me this means he already got thrown off amazon from his address ,ten different family members another ten friends and now is going door to door which he will 100% get someone and continue to screw people over.

Here just in case you do not see the other thread

China Locks Down Financial District As P2P Lending Implodes


Collapse of Chinese peer-to-peer lenders sparks investor flight ( all the negativity cause people to flee, ive said it 100 times, like shorting a stock or placing a rumor...which is illegal)