Quote Originally Posted by JSL23 View Post
That's a rough break man. I would only pursue legal action if I was 110% positive and had real proof, not circumstantial. You don't want to burn bridges, you know?

I am surprised though, I cant see one of the larger Lenders doing something like that; granted, they can be shady with their renewal policies but to outright steal a deal?! Wow, that's insane. I can only see some fly-by-night operation declining it and then funding it through someone else, but someone like OnDeck, MCC, BFS, CAN, etc. I'd be shocked if they ever did that....although I guess we can rule them out because they don't do anything over $250,000... When you say "their Sales office called" what do you mean by that? Do they have separate offices for Operations and one for Sales?
I agree. But everyone has to understand this is not necessarily a policy of any of those lenders as much as someone trying to get away with something. It doesn't take much for someone at these places to send the file over to the Sales Office and suggest sending it out to whom ever. Given the reputation, though, you have to question the actual "unspoken" policy. One of the major lenders openly and admittedly will help you subvert another party, not saying who at this point but have dealt w/ them on multiple occasions.