Business Type: Convenience Store.

Location: Tennessee.

Time in business: 11 years.

Merchant痴 credit score: 683.

Average monthly deposits for last 3 months: $83,000

Average daily balance for last 3 months: $2,900

3 overdrafts in last 3 months.

3 negative days in last 3 months.

Has 2 MCA positions:

1. Remaining balance is $40,000 and pays $172 per day with 12 months remaining.

2. Remaining balance is $35,000 and pays $324 per day with 5.5 months remaining.

Total daily payment: $496.

The merchant is looking to lower his payments. He doesn't want to involve tax returns because he doesn't report much. I am aware a consolidation is difficult because of the time remaining on the 1st position. A buy out of the 2nd position would work if the merchant can lower his daily by at least 50%. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Michael Sla*****er