Yes...Exclusive. If you want to resell them..please do, but we will ONLY offer Exclusive leads, so if your wanting cheap..then were definitely not the company for you. For every person / company that says " Theres no such thing as Exclusive"....well, then you probably buy cheap leads, or deal with bad companies that lie to you and tell you your buying exclusive. You will absolutely tell the difference in calling an Exclusive vs Non-Exclusive lead. Now yes...sometimes people fill out more than 1 app online, but thats a very small percentage..and thats what your lying Lead Provider will tell you so they can sell your "Exclusive "leads. Weve developed this program for Lenders period. We were buying Traffic and Leads and calling them and I can tell you that 95% of the leads out there are garbage, over sold and plain junk and were here to change that. We answer our phones, if we cant we call you back. Were only looking for 5 more companies to add to our campaign, so please..let me know if you have any questions.

These leads are 100% Call Generated by a Live Agent, we will add up to 3 of your qualifiers..with the main ones ( name, yrs in business, monthly revenue,cc sales..etc ). Again..these arent Internet leads, so please..if your looking for cheap leads...dont bother. Im more than happy to set up a test for you of 25-50 leads.

wayne AT