Quote Originally Posted by tcraig View Post
No, I called Both funders and they said he paying, he had a few nsf but they didn't claw back commission to GREENLITE CAPITAL

Alex keeps saying he is going to pay me but too many promises broken...Not sure what to do short of small claims court

Alex says he has been in business 8 yrs and no complaints , hard to believe that when his voice mail is full for 2 weeks
I have been in this business for 12 yrs and there some great and honest brokers and funders here..UNFORTUNATELY ALEX Batistta and GREEN LITE Capital IN Florida are not .If you get his email saying he is a direct funder..RUN to the junk folder. He took money for a syndication and though the loan paid off he has never made good on the money I syndicated.I am taking him to small claims court