Quote Originally Posted by USATopISO View Post
Good Afternoon everyone,

What is the best way to start a relationship with a good reputable hedge fund company? Any help would be appreciated. Thx!
Thats like asking "how do I get to know Warren Buffet or George Soros"

The way that you do it is you start on the bottom and you make financial sales. When you start closing a massive amount of money you can get someones attention to talk to you.

This is how stockbrokers did it.

They started as a cold caller and account opener. They got good at bringing clients into the firm millions at a time. They eventually got so good they became a manager and continued to bring millions into the firm plus taught others how to bring millions in. At this point, you usually break away and create your own company.

Back to the bottom and bringing in millions..you hire and train brokers who then bring in millions while you continue to lead from the front and bring in millions.

If you can do that for a few years and not have compliance issues you can then call someone and say"hi, I have a firm and brokers and we are bringing in x amount per month, I would like to get together and see what if any business we can do together"

That's if you can get thru on the phone to them...you can also wait outside an elevator and do the elevator pitch to the top because they are trapped in the elevator with you. You will either be arrested for stalking they will take the meeting( after looking you up and making a few phone calls) because they see you are the type that won't take no for an answer so you might be great on the phone like you said you were

Then you become one yourself or you are partnered in Venture Capital because you are the one bringing the money or clients in, with your big bold crazy personality.

( or basically, this is how I did it)