Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
There is never a shortage of money for A paper ...or A plus. ( low commission)

Its when you get into the b/c range.

D Paper, you have companies but you are going to pay for it ( which I don't object to, it's their money, high risk)

In the grand scheme of things...when you had certain A paper saying " we funded 1 billion in 15 years" ...half of that was renewals I am assuming? so you are averaging 35 million a year new business? Nationwide? For all your internal sales force and also outside? How much is allocated for me? I wanted the whole 35 million lol.

Some funders were/are really really small...1 million a month? Nationwide?

Then add in defaults, operating expenses etc

The more cash in the market the lower cost ...bigger allocations.

Anyone can sell A paper and drop your drawers down to no commission. That's not what I am here for. If that's what I wanted I would have continued to sell loans..etc 1 point

And I am looking to hang onto the renewals...the book of business, not get tossed out like yesterday's news when I get 3 million on the books. I also do not like doing business with people who throw people under the bus...even if its not me, I hate watching it... I am just thinking..it will be me next or soon. Like wearing a blood diamond that some kid got his arm chopped off for. Id rather not have it.

To each their own

More money makes the cost of money go DOWN....its easier to get. I really want the investment money to syndicate ... and i do not like begging for money
Why do you say A paper has low commission??? Buy rates on these deals are lower which allows me to upsell higher. Most A paper banks are paying 10-12 points. For A+ deals some banks might cap the upsell at 7 or 8 when going out 15 months or longer but most are 10-12. I disagree with that statement completely that these deals are lower commission