Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
Newer brokers tend to think, “the merchant is showing they can pay $10,000 a week on 4 advances. Since they showed they can pay that amount, if they’re consolidated they will pay half that amoint each week, so there’s no risk to the funder.” They just don’t realize these merchant are like tweekers from the panhandle looking for another hit (or some copper wire to steal).

it's the balances, revenue and cash flow ( plus the dreaded algorithms) I try to tell people to put yourself in the Funders shoes...would you "lend"/give them money? They say no...but they still want it funded and for someone else to take the risk.

They do not care this is a pit stop for some...not a permanent career choice. you can tell the ones who hate it...they hate phone sales or any kind of marketing. When you point it out to them they will tell you that you are a telemarketer and have no education.

West Coast with the copper wiring...that was a big thing during the housing meltdowns but just to let you know they really don't do that in Florida ( not that I see), they are in a tent on the beach( too lazy) and copper and scrap metal isn't worth what it use to be ..Chinese stopped buying it...price tanked like a commodity