Consolidations can be done with the right lender who's willing to take control of the file, and do the right safeguards against stacking afterwards, like suing them. Banks can just cancel the loan. Super G sues if you stack them. I'm sure some factors will do it, as well.

The key is getting GOOD QUALITY money on top, not just stacking endless debt on endless debt. Yes, I've seen reverses that have been stacked, as has everyone.

However, after someone has been in the MCA world for a while, getting them a really nice LOC will save them. A term loan might be needed to re-fi the existing debt, but there's got to be some form of revolving working capital to prevent future stacks. Also, a LOC at the beginning rather than "selling" an MCA might keep them as clients for longer, and much less work, much less "hope" for renewals. Any factor, Bluevine, Fundbox, Breakout.....