Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
This is exactly what I mean by puffery. Your website lists your business address as:

655 India St
San Diego, CA 92101

A simple google search shows those are residential condos, not an “office suite”. So you want me to come by your condo? For what? No one wants to see that ****.

Like I said, rather than just saying “hey guys, we are new brokers who operate in Cali but don’t yet have our lender’s license, but we’d like to find a way to do business” you flood the joint begging for seasoned brokers to send you deals under the pretense that you are also an in-house lender. That’s how you know you’re broke.

Scrape together a few marketing dollars and find quality ways to market, rather than desperately spamming up Internet forums begging for leads.
And if we're such spammers like you say, why do you follow us around? Don't you have anything better to do? Oh wait... you're a mortgage broker.... ha.... sorry. I guess you don't have anything better to do. Carry on my friend.