Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
DocuSign? That's been around for awhile now. Let's try a portal online you get get access to your accounts, balances, % paid down, to really take control of your Folio. Some funders have this and get a lot of business because of it. You can request contracts, adjust upsells, etc etc all through automation. If you aren't willing to invest in technology, your already way behind. If your catering to the one and done broker, it isn't needed, but, for the ISO's who do a lot of business, this is basic stuff needed. ODC, SFS, etc all have this. And, renewals, this has to be open and transparent. If you are going to shut off brokers from this part of the business, you are just asking to be stacked and your business flipped. You have to decide, do you want a true business alliance, or, do you want to create an adversarial relationship.

On the process, yes, there is nothing worse than getting a signed contract and being stipped to death, having the deal declined, or, revised to an absurd amount that will hurt your brand (meaning the ISO) as the merchant will walk. Any funder's that still decline a bulk of deals post signed contracts are prob no longer getting ISO business or very little. Too much competition and options to deal with those headaches anymore.

I will add this- any funder's who we have caught backdooring or selling off the deal come renewal time, are toast. you know who you are.

Hard to sell off Renewals or backdoor Strong Isos or brokers. If you held onto them and didnt get stacked etc ...usually the merchants wants to stay with you not the funder who they really do not know?And if they call the merchant the merchants usually tell on them?

What stops the Broker or iso from just taking the merchant back?