Quote Originally Posted by Lmonus View Post
Morning DF,

As CFG continues to grow throughout the months, our customer service, retention and story based underwriting have proven time and time again to be effective. However, i feel as if there is still more we can improve on. And in order to improve and better understand the broker, we need feedback.

How can a funding company do better / more? What does a broker really need from a funder besides the biggest offer and most commission? What drives an iso to work with a shop paying less than the other?

I leave the floor to you guys and await your responses or extra questions i didn't mention that some might think of.

Thank you,

Lior Monus
CFG Merchant Solutions
Direct: 516-319-5826
Done deals. When i know that it will 100% fund after signed docs. Hate the ones that reprice and kill deals all the time.