Quote Originally Posted by The****zuofMCA View Post
Took a break came back to industry to find the little integrity it was holding on to is gone. Yes it seems even lenders are backdooring in order to keep market share, stay competitive, and close deals. I dont see anything good coming out of all this misleading of merchants and back stabbing of sales reps doing the dirty work. The good guys finish last it seems so most have had to get dirty in order to eat, sad in my opinion. The companies that were trying to do things the right way seem to have fallen off here and there to these sharks.
CFG is operational and crushing the market because we do the right thing. We have the best head on our shoulders in the entire industry. Price or decline, never beat around the bush, Always pay an ISO regardless of how much effort they put into it, and never haircuts on renewals.

We strive on integrity and doing the right thing. We have proved time and time again that we are a big player in the space. We are every brokers favorite shop.