Quote Originally Posted by Olah54 View Post
I have a merchant that has filled out a ACH Authorization Form for a fee. The merchant has put a stop payment on the fee two times now. I have tried to get in contact with the merchant but they seem to be avoiding me.

What are my options in dealing with this? I have contacted my bank and am trying to fight it internally but I don't have too much faith in this option. Court doesn't seem like a viable option as the fee is just 3k.

Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Generally, there isn't anything you can do other than send them to collections (if you have a collections company willing to chase small amounts like that) or take them to court, neither of which is likely to be worth it unless we're talking about a fee > $5K.

Chalk it up as a learning experience. Tighten your processes, pre-sell your fees, do your own post-funding call and remind them about the fee, how much it is, when it's coming out, and the consequences should it be rejected.

We've also found there to be a correlation between blocking PSFs and defaulting on advances. Hopefully you dont get an email from the funder in a couple of days saying the merchant stopped payment on the dailies and they're clawing you back. That's the worst, cuz you did all that work for nothing!