we don't have issues too much with companies on the first round of business. it may be the funders we use or the persistence of staying on top of those files all the way through. It's the renewals that is somewhat of a concern. If anyone understands marketing, it is 5-12X more expensive to acquire a new customer, hence, the funder pays the generous commissions to acquire the customer. But, when communication breaks down and the feeling overall is there is not a desire to pay on renewals, there is a problem. Maybe management at these companies feels they have paid to play, but, that's not how this works. There was real dollars to acquire that new customer on the brokers side as well. As one funder once said, if we can't renew the business, we might as well turn off the lights. That applies to both sides of the fence. It's either pay on renewals as expected, or, stacking will continue to rise.