Quote Originally Posted by BROKER TIME View Post
again my initial post was simply to have anyone with experiences with the lenders iam currently set up and to know who they knew for sure back doored my mistake was added that i have a+ paper that goes to the waste side because they dont want mcaif there was an alternative product

so to be crystal clear

if you have any info on the lenders i have good or bad please pm me not looking to make it public

but i see most people do not understand that and are flooding my pms with i wont back door and i offer etc... when i kindly reply that iam not interested instead of just ignoring you theres no reason to call me out and ask if iam serious im sure the second i gave you the shop name you wouldnt stop so please i have been nothing but nice to people but take a step back TY
Well Ill wait for a reply then. I think some were actually trying to help you.