Quote Originally Posted by kevinhenry0527 View Post
My two cents..... Everyone has their own personal preference on who they will do business with....we are a free market society and there is a buyer and seller for everything....it all comes down to situation and price. Bad things happen to good businesses large and small. It is up to the capital source to determine what they are willing to do for the business owner. Personally, I will finance a company that defaulted with another institution if I have a clear understanding of why and know that it will likely not happen on my watch. If someone personally defaulted on an obligation because it benefited them without good business reasons or was advised to do so by someone who benefited economically, I would not to do business with that person.

You don't make money by signing ISO agreements, signing NDSa, getting terms sheets, getting signed proposals, or closing deals. You make money when the capital you deployed comes back ....period.
True and fair point

Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
I guess it all comes down to the circumstances. It’s one thing if a merchant defaults straight out the gate, including blocked payments. But it is another if the merchant got hit by some unforeseen circumstance, and the merchant stayed in communication with the funder without stacking, but still couldn’t meet his/her obligations, but eventually made good. I think the main thing for me is, did they eventually payoff the advance or not?
I agree with this completely but the guy you are describing here is not someone I consider a default. To me a default is stopped or block payments, did not stay in communication with the bank and did not make good on the advance.